I was invited to create an exhibition about recycling at Coal Drops yard for the London Design Festival 2021. I find it a complex subject to engage with so I took a tangent and designed an exhibition about creativity as an alchemical force to elevate humble materials. I built a CNC cardboard cutting machine and invited designers around the world to send in plans that could be cut out during the exhibition that the public would assemble. Everything in the show was free. The final pieces were stamped and numbered. The exhibition was about bringing value to valueless material through creative input, from the designer and the public.

Estudio Campana / The Campana Brothers – En Rolled (fruit bowl)

Chen Chen and Kai Williams
Cat Scratch Fever

Daniel Eatock
Flat Pack Box

Eyal Burstein

Faye Toogood
Roly Poly side table

Garth Neal
Robot Head


Liliana Ovalle

Marti Guixe
Sign, Treasure Chest, Air Piano

Mathieu Lehanneur
Domestic Saddle

Max Lamb
Sandals and Slippers

Michael Marriott

Peter Marigold
Gallows Bracket Shelf and Tape Light

Sebastian Bergne
Bob Hat and Friends

Study O Portable
Corrugated Stencil

T Sakhi
Parasol Visor 50 and Parasol Visor 70

Yuri Suzuki
Paper Record Player

Tony Hayward
Moving toy making workshop

Party. We served free popcorn, but you only if you made your own cardboard holder.


Designer: Estudio Campana / The Campana Brothers
Design: En-rolled (fruit bowl)
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 3+ hours
Quantity of cardboard: Medium
Tools needed: Knife, measure, straight edge, glue gun
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/32hs4qfb7s2cntr/AAA0qfR8Quo3ORnYGCFPDZyla?dl=0
About the design: This coiled bowl is made from three levels of cardboard strips wrapped around each other. The bowl can be made either with either a tight or loose roll and can be left plain or decorated as desired. The plans include digital files for CNC cutting, or they can easily be cut by hand.
About the designer: estudiocampana.com.br

Designer: Chen Chen and Kai Williams
Design: Cat Scratch Fever
Complexity: Complex
Time to make: 1+ day
Quantity of cardboard: Medium / Large
Tools needed: Knife, measure, straight edge, glue gun
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jznazyzcy5nwlsg/AAD9pB3mfyyZjp8qEa0Mtlqaa?dl=0
About the design: “After going to the pet store to get a cardboard scratch pad, I felt there was so much more potential in this simple object and became inspired to make my own scratching toys. This piece is the third design in the last year.” Chen Chen
About the designers: www.cckw.us

Artist: Daniel Eatock
Design: Flat Pack Box
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 1 hr inc. CNC cutting
Quantity of cardboard: 1 large sheet per box
Tools needed: Brown packing tape, wall mounts
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ka91fbz8157wjyj/AADA93fSFbrBreF9Wwva4EkUa?dl=0
About the design: A two dimensional cardboard net folded and secured with packing tape, forming a trompe l’oeil representation of a three dimensional cardboard box.
About the artist: eatock.com

Designer: Eyal Burstein
Design: NFT DIX
Complexity: Very simple
Time to make: >1 hr inc. CNC cutting
Quantity of cardboard: Small
Tools needed: none
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5fjyhe29f5cb6a/AAA5kMJPDLaqKy-PHaKC7b3na?dl=0
About the design: “A collection of six non-fungible-tokens depicting some of my favourite dickheads. These characters are cardboard cut-outs which act as a key for their digital animated counterpart on the blockchain. Each one of the DIX can be scanned with a mobile phone and redirected to the corresponding NFT animation on the blockchain. There are six variations with each variation as a series of ten.” EB
About the designer: PENDING

Designer: Faye Toogood
Design: Roly-Poly Side Table (large)
Complexity: Difficult but methodical
Time to make: ½ -1 day plus CNC cutting
Quantity of cardboard: 2 sheets of double ply cardboard 1000×1200 mm
Tools needed: Knife, glue gun, tape
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a80zpht2efwz6ti/AACbTnkLvagS3568a3iFNrPZa?dl=0
About the design: An unrealised side table from the Roly-Poly family, with three legs unified in one pedestal and signature drum top.
About the designers: t-o-o-g-o-o-d.com

Designer: Faye Toogood
Design: Roly-Poly Side Table (mini)
Complexity: Difficult but methodical
Time to make: ½ -1 day plus CNC cutting
Quantity of cardboard: 1 sheet of double ply cardboard 1000 x 1000 mm
Tools needed: Knife, glue gun, tape
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a80zpht2efwz6ti/AACbTnkLvagS3568a3iFNrPZa?dl=0
About the design: An unrealised side table from the Roly-Poly family, with three legs unified in one pedestal and signature drum top. This is the mini / table top version of the previous design.
About the designer: t-o-o-g-o-o-d.com

Designer: Gareth Neal
Design: Robot Head
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 2 hours inc CNC cutting
Quantity of cardboard: 1 sheet of double ply cardboard 1000 x 1000 mm
Tools needed: Glue gun, colourful tape, decorations
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fcpdnpfvgzq3la2/AABoMBxS1qNVdXuJ5ccegSJya?dl=0
About the design: “Any old box can quite simply be turned into a robot head, cut some holes for robot vision, robot senses, robot hearing, and an antenna for comms. Evolve, decorate, customize and play robot head.” GN
About the designers: www.garethneal.co.uk

Designer: Glithero
Design: Clogs
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 1+ hours inc cutting
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: Glue gun
Download link: TBC
About the design: Dutch-inspired clogs. Made by rolling cardboard onto a cardboard last.
About the designers: www.glithero.com

Designer: Liliana Ovalle
Design: Altars
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 1+ hour inc cutting
Quantity of cardboard: 500 x 500 sheet
Tools needed: Knife, 2 colourful tapes
Download link: TO BE UPDATED
About the design: A shelf that can be mounted in a corner to create a colourful space for an object of praise.
Note: The outer perimeter of the cut out should be first made, and then strips of colourful tape added before proceeding with the strip cuts.
About the designers: www.lilianaovalle.com

Designer: Marti Guixé
Design: Sign
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 15 minutes + cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: 1 sheet of double ply cardboard 1000 x 1000 mm
Tools needed: None
Download link: TO BE UPDATED files include a large version and a small version
About the design: Make sure that the grain of the cardboard sheet runs vertically up the sign to keep as straight as possible.
About the designer: www.guixe.com

Designer: Marti Guixé
Design: Treasure Chest
Complexity: Medium
Time to make: 1+ hours + cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: Knife, glue gun
Download link: TO BE UPDATED
About the design: Make sure orientation of corrugations matches lid curve when cutting. Crease / compress the corrugations to form the lid curve using a long straight edge.
About the designer: https://www.guixe.com

Designer: Marti Guixé
Design: Air Piano
Complexity: Complex
Time to make: 2+ hours + cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: Knife, glue gun
Download link: TO BE UPDATED
About the design: This design is as yet unrealised in full. If anyone decides to build it, I would be very happy if you could share complete plans! The DXF and CRV files are included here, but they are not correct at this moment.
About the designer: https://www.guixe.com

Designer: Mathieu Lehanneur
Design: Domestic Saddle
Complexity: Complex
Time to make: 1 day build, 1+ day cutting time.
Quantity of cardboard: Approximately 50 sheets double ply 500x500mm
Tools needed: Glue gun
Download link: TO BE UPDATED
About the design: This stool is derived from an existing simple and efficient method to measure the user’s sit bones distance in order to achieve the perfect bicycle saddle. By repetitively sitting on the stool, the users sit bones crush the cardboard into the recesses leaving a smooth stamped form of the bones.
Despite appearing simple, this is a complex model to create! Each sheet must be
cut independently and then stacked carefully to give a uniform appearance. Cut them carefully in sequence!
About the designer: www.mathieulehanneur.fr

Designer: Max Lamb
Design: Slippers and Sandals
Complexity: Medium
Time to make: 30minutes + cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: Approximately 2 sheets 600 x 1000mm
Tools needed: Tape (ideally fibre reinforced)
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iiwkf7gipuiecmi/AAD6n9jSUymKAB0cM5IUbn1ra?dl=0
About the design: Simple quick adjustable strapped sandals. Note the ‘soften’ areas indicated to achieve three dimensionality.
About the designer: https://maxlamb.org

Designer: Michael Marriott
Design: Oooo
Complexity: Very simple
Time to make: 1+ minutes plus minimal
cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: Scrap cardboard
200 x 200mm
Tools needed: Clock mechanism
LINK also available from info@petermarigold.com
Download link: UPDATING SOON
About the design: Choose cardboard according to desired graphical effect. Included in the download folder are either the full cutting plans or the basic version used for the exhibition whereby the maker
uses a punch to remove the numerals and the mechanism center hole.
About the designer: https://www.michaelmarriott.com

Designer: Peter Marigold
Design: Gallows Bracket Shelf
Complexity: Simple
Time to make: 30 minutes plus cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: 500 x 300mm
Tools needed: Glue gun or tape, 2 screws, 2 large (repair) washers
Download link: UPDATING https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ubdkc3g3jk191fy/AADXhyKmAVtYTKxtaV02hfAEa?dl=0
About the design: A shelf based on the common visual language of steel L section metal and folded cardboard boxes. Install the shelf using large flat repair washers and a short screwdriver (for the higher screw) and long screwdriver (for the lower screw), or if no load is being placed on the shelf, use double sided tape.
About the designer: petermarigold.com

Designer: Peter Marigold
Design: Tape Light
Complexity: Medium
Time to make: 1hr plus cutting time plus wiring time
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: Fluro tape or similar, glue gun, LED strip lights (LINK), fishing line
Download link: UPDATING https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ubdkc3g3jk191fy/AADXhyKmAVtYTKxtaV02hfAEa?dl=0
About the design: Strip lights based on the proportions of standard 48mm tape. These are made using high vis gaffa tape, but foil duct tape or similar will also work.
About the designer: petermarigold.com

Designer: Sebastian Bergne
Design: Bob Hat & Friends
Complexity: Simple / Medium
Time to make: 30 minute plus cutting
Quantity of cardboard: Cereal box(es) or TBC
Tools needed: Knife, straight edge, glue gun or double sided tape
Download link: UPDATING THIS FOLDER CONTAINS EVERYTHING AND AWAITING EDITING https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/fyhh4rwce0jnwl5et22xy/h?rlkey=hj2ge8rq3nmm4uf7tjsqn77qr&dl=0
About the design: A light hearted take on the paper hat, Bob keeps you cool, can be transformed into a light, bowl etc. simply by scaling, and its home made. These designs can either be CNC cut, or the parts printed off onto paper and transferred to either card board or cereal boxes. Decorate as needed.
About the designers: www.sebastianbergne.com

Designer: Study O Portable
Design: Corrugated Stencil
Complexity: Simple depending on digital experience
Time to make: Dependent on digital skill and cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: Dependent on design
Tools needed: CNC machine with drag knife or similar, e.g. Cricut / stylus cutter
Download link: UPDATING https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zn3g86o1cqe0ytu/AACVIGmuVa8hka-080eu18mea?dl=0
About the design: An ephemeral solution for a specific need.
About the designers: https://studyoportable.com

Designer: T Sakhi
Design: Parasol Visor 50 and Parasol Visor 70
Complexity: Medium
Time to make: 2 hrs plus cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: Glue gun, sewing pins (to hold parts in place)
Download link: AWAITING UPDATE https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3llud810d3eol9a/AABgxnLvCtWJqpbzheB3IvB3a?dl=0
About the design: “We live in a world where our daily life is subjected to an overflow of information through mass media, urbanscape and social environment. Parasol is a “face mask”, our vital companion today, it not only covers our mouth and nose from contagion but our entire face, thus our ears and eyes with controlled splits to seclude ourselves whenever and however we want from the outer world to focus internally – a meditative practice of mindfulness.”
About the designers: https://www.tsakhi.com

Designer: Yuri Suzuki
Design: Paper Record Player
Complexity: Medium
Time to make: 1+ hrs plus cutting time
Quantity of cardboard: TBC
Tools needed: punch, SIM card poking tool, small plastic top hat, pound coin, record. Contact info@petermarigold.com for a kit of these parts.
Download link: AWAITING UPDATE
About the design: A record sleeve that transforms into a manually operated record player.
About the designers: https://www.yurisuzuki.com