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Arm Rest

The arm rest is a complimentary piece of furniture that matches chairs with no built in arm rest. The object is derived from a Japanese design found in traditional countryside guest houses. Dining chairs in the guesthouse are typically seats without legs, and are accompanied by low simple arm rests that can be dragged to you when needed. These would not work if simply made higher for western chairs, and so therefore I have included a magazine rack that doubles as a ballast.

The arm rest was created for a collaborative exhibition with Dutch funriture manufacturer ARCO and was exhibited at the exhibition OKAY LONDON at Vivid Gallery, Rotterdam.

Photographs by Lucas Hardonk - not to be used without permission.


Images showing first prototypes at the Arco factory.
Oscar Narud wears Prada top, D&G shorts and Primark underpants. Scent by Tommy Hillfiger.